Home | The Riffe Gallery | Past Exhibitions
Past Exhibitions
Here's Looking at You: Portraits in Ohio
January 27–April 17, 2011
In the Riffe Center Lobby, Heralding Spring,
February 1–March 15, 2011
Happiness: Quilted Expressions
May 5–July 14, 2011
In the Riffe Center Lobby, VSA Accessible Expressions Ohio,
June 2011
Natural Light: Paintings by Ohio Plein Air Society
July 28–October 16, 2011
Artful Teaching: Work by College and University Painting Faculty
November 3, 2011–January 8, 2012
Sawdust and Spectacle: Under the Big Top in Small Town America February 4 – April 21, 2010 In the Riffe Center Lobby, Collective Ink, March 5-31, 2010
The I of the TEXT May 6 – July 11, 2010 In the Riffe Center Lobby, VSA Accessible Expressions Ohio, May 25- June 30, 2010
Deep Space: Ohio Photographers July 29 – October 17, 2010 In the Riffe Center Lobby, Westbridge Camera Club Juried Exhibition, September 15- October 15, 2010 |
Against the Grain: Modernism in the Midwest November 4, 2010 – January 9, 2011 |
Quilt National '05
January 26 April 16, 2006
Also on view Dreams and Hopes
May 11 July 9, 2006 |
Growing Pains
July 27 October 15, 2006
In the Riffe Center Lobby, Growing Season: the Life of a Migrant Community, September 19 - October 25, 2006
Fashion on the Ohio Frontier: 1790-1840
November 9, 2006 January 13, 2007 |
Breaking With Tradition: Ohio Women Painters, 1870 - 1950
November 3, 2005 -
January 8, 2006 |
Made In Ohio/Diverse Sources
July 28 -
October 16, 2005 |
Land of Latitudes: Contemporary Art From Chile
May 12 - July 10, 2005 |
Design For The American Stage: Treasures From The Ohio State University's Lawrence And Lee Theatre Research Institute
February 10 -
April 17, 2005 |
Educators/Educated: Jewelry & Metals in Ohio
November 18, 2004 -
January 23, 2005 |
Cuba Oriente: Contemporary Painting From Eastern Cuba
September 22 - October 31, 2004 |
The Quilted Surface II: International Contemporary Art Quilts by Quilt Surface Design Symposium Participants
May 6 - July 18, 2004 |
A Carnival of Animals: Beasts Birds and Bugs in Original Illustrations from Children's Books
January 29 - April 18, 2004 |
The Method & the Matrix: Contemporary Printmaking in Ohio
November 6, 2003 - January 4, 2004 |
Imagining Flight: Explorations By Dayton Artists
July 24 - October 19, 2003 |
The View From Here: Recent Pictures From Central Europe and the American Midwest
May 22 - July 6, 2003 |
The State of the Arts: A Celebration of Ohio's Rich Artistic Heritage
March 3 - May 4, 2003 |
Quilt National '01
November 7, 2002 - February 9, 2003 |
The Alliance of Art and Industry: Toledo Designs for a Modern America
August 8 - October 19, 2002 |
Connections: Ohio Artists Abroad
April 25 - July 7, 2002 |
Shared Inspiration: Work by Artists in Education
January 24 - April 17, 2002 |
Coming of Age: Ohio Arts Council Fellowship Recipients
October 25 - January 6, 2002 |
Paper Routes 2000
August 9 - October 7, 2001 |
Made by Loving Hands: Amish Children's Clothing, Toys and Quilts
April 26 - July 8, 2001 |
Aspirations: Toward a Future in the Middle East
January 25 - April 8, 2001 |
Quilt National '99
November 2, 2000 - January 7, 2001 |
Czech Scenic and Costume Design 1920 - 1999
July 27 - October 15, 2000 |
Reality and Interpretation: 20th Century Clothing and Illustration
April 26 - July 9, 2000 |
William Hawkins: Drawings in Context
January 27 - April 1, 2000 |
Transcending Traditions: Ohio Artists in Clay & Fiber
November 4, 1999 - January 8, 2000 |
Common Ground: Contemporary Landscapes from Israel and Ohio
July 29 - October 16, 1999 |
Brush With Light: Watercolor Painters of Northeast Ohio
April 23 - July 10, 1999 |
Quilt National '97
January 21 - April 3, 1999 |
Change of Place: Ohio Arts Council Artist Residencies
January 29 - April 1, 1998 |
Masterworks by 20th Century African American Artists
April 6 - June 13, 1998 |
Back to Reality, More and Less: Contemporary Ohio Landscape
July 30 - October 17, 1998 |
Ohio Perspectives: Reflections in Glass
November 5 1998 - January 9, 1999 |
Mexico Now: Point of Departure
January 25, - April 5, 1997 |
Patterns of Meaning: Croation Folk Life Tradition
April 24 - July 12, 1997 |
Yet We Still Rise: African American Art in Cleveland and Columbus 1920 - 1970
July 31 - October 18, 1997 |
Once Upon A Page: Children's Book Illustrations from the Mazza Collection
November 8, 1997 - January 10, 1998 |
In Their Own Time: The Art of Carl McKenzie and Adam Brandau
February 1, - April 20, 1996 |
The Spirit of Cleveland: Visual Arts Recipients of the Cleveland Arts Prize 1961 - 1995
May 9 - July 27, 1996 |
Age of Optimism: Ohio Builds a Statehouse
August 15 - October 26, 1996 |
Quilt National '95
November 7 1996 - January 4, 1997 |
Leadership Arts of West Africa
January 26 - March 25, 1995 |
Midwest Realities: Regional Painting 1920 - 1950
April 13 - June 17, 1995 |
In Person: Friends & Others
June 29 - August 26, 1995 |
Grace & Gravity: Work by 11 Japanese Artists
September 14, 1995 - January 6, 1996 |