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Riffe Gallery | Past Exhibitions | Quilt National '01
Quilt National '01
Also on view: The Public Book: Letters to our Great-Great Grandchildren
November 7 February 9, 2003
Thirty-two quilts from the 12th Quilt National Collection will be on display at the Riffe Gallery November 7, 2002, through February 9, 2003. The works in Quilt National '01 were chosen from 1,411 entries submitted by 670 artists from the United States and abroad. Every work in the exhibition had to fulfill several criteria including mastery of technique, overall design and concept. Quilt National 01 is produced and circulated by the Dairy Barn Southeastern Ohio Cultural Arts Center in Athens.
During Quilt National 01, the Riffe Gallery also will exhibit selections from The Public Book: Letters To Our Great-Great-Grandchildren, a visual and verbal record of the Greater Columbus community in 1992. It was designed to initiate broadly based grassroots involvement in the city's commemoration of the Quincentenary.
Click here to view more complete information about the exhibition.
Tour some of the works that will be on display!
There are 12 images contained within this archive which are intended for personal/educational use only. These images are protected by a 2002 photographic copyright which belongs to the Ohio Arts Council. They, therefore, are not in the public domain.
Katherine K. Allen
Ft. Lauderdale, Florida
Figures 8 (detail)
Commercial cottons and painted cotton, silk and raw canvas; machine appliqued, embroidered |
Cheri Arnold
Columbus, Ohio
TV Test Pattern: The Center of Chaos
Commercial and hand-dyed cotton fabrics that have been airbrushed, appliqued, fused, embroidered and beaded by hand and machine; machine quilted; 52"x52". |
Elizabeth Brimelow
Macclesfield, Cheshire, England
Maravu (front view)
Silk fabrics that have been direct and reverse appliqued; hand and machine stitched, hand tied; 60"x60".
Elizabeth Brimelow
Macclesfield, Cheshire, England
Maravu (reverse view)
Silk fabrics that have been direct and reverse appliqued; hand and machine stitched, hand tied; 60"x60".
Ruth Eissfeldt
Essen, Germany
Commercial and hand-dyed cotton fabrics; machine pieced and machine quilted; 59"x59". |
John w. Lefelhocz
Athens, Ohio
Pennies from Heaven/Make Your Ticks Count
Various fabrics and found objects, including pennies, velvet, satin, mesh, glass beads, clear plastic tubing, toy watches, copper wire; hand and machine stitched, hand painted; 58"x69". |
Debra Lunn and Michael Mrowka
Lancaster, Ohio
100 percent cotton fabric patterned with bleach and potato dextrin starch resist; machine pieced and machine quilted; 62"x62". |
Jan Myers-Newbury
Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania
Cotton muslin fabric hand dyed using arashi shibori technique; machine pieced and machine quilted; 55"x65". |
Amy Orr
Philadelphia, Pennsylvania
Twist Tied Log Cabin
3,500+ twist ties hand colored on each edge; cross-stitched into 80 log cabin squares, beaded in center and assembled for the face layer; 34"x41". |
Lauren Rosenblum
Forest Hills, New York
Cotton fabric that has been patterned with fiber-reactive dyes, discharge paste, silk screens and paint; machine pieced and hand quilted; 32"x41". |
Janet Steadman
Clinton, Washington
I Love a Mystery
Commercial and hand-dyed cotton fabrics; machine pieced and machine quilted; 58"x50".
Ruth Pearl
Pataskala, Ohio
Selection from The Public Book: Letters to Our Great-Great-Grandchildren