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Riffe Gallery | Past Exhibitions | Transcending Traditions
Transcending Traditions: Ohio Artists in Clay & Fiber
November 4, 1999 through January 8, 2000
More than 80 clay and fiber works will be on display at the Ohio Arts Council's Riffe Gallery, November 4 through January 8, 2000. Curated by Janice Lessman-Moss, professor of art, Kent State University and Judith Salomon, associate professor, Cleveland Institute of Art, Transcending Traditions: Ohio Artists in Clay and Fiber presents the work of six clay artists and seven fiber artists who question the traditions of their media.
Click here for more information on Clay & Fiber.
Tour some of the works that will be on display!
There are 11 images contained within this archive which are intended for personal/educational use only. These images are protected by a 2003 photographic copyright which belongs to the Ohio Arts Council. They, therefore, are not in the public domain.
Kristen Clifffel, 1997
Little Red Riding Hood, ceramic, 30" x 27" x 19"
George Bowes, 1994
A Rigid Listing, stoneware, underglaze, glass, 11" x 5" |
Eva Kwong, 1995
Nucle-I, stoneware clay, 21" x 10" x 20" |
Lilian Tyrell, 1998
Disaster Blanket / The Irony, wool and linen, 89" x 159"
JoAnn Giordano, 1999
Broken Web: Breast Cancer, photocopy transfer, applique, silk, organza, gut, synthetic fabrics |
Kirk Mangus, 1989
Wild Life Vase, earthernware, luster, 11" x 9" x 9" |
Susan Shie / James Acord, 1994
That Old Devil Moon, mixed media art quilt, 82" x 74" |
Nancy Crow, 1994-95
Bow Tie # 10, quilted hand-dyed cotton, 66" x 70" |
Deborah Frazee Carlson, 1986
America Fragment Coverlet Series #4, silk metallic thread (synthetic), industrial felt, 44" x 74" x 3/4" |
Rebecca Harvey
Composite #4, pressmolded and assembled porcelain, 10" x 4" x 7" |
Dorothy Gill Barnes, 1998
Windfall Ridge Bark Bowl, heavy bark with pine weaving and twined base, 6.5" x 9" x 8" |