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The Ohio Arts Council's Riffe Gallery Presents
Flashback to Now: OAC Support for Individual Artists
An exhibition that combines past with present, Flashback to Now
highlights 15 of the Ohio Arts Council's (OAC) earliest individual artist grant
recipients of the 1980s. Artworks created at the time of their first grant(s) will
be presented alongside current pieces. Curated by Ann Bremner, Flashback to
Now: OAC Support for Individual Artists will be on display July 23–October
18 at the OAC's Riffe Gallery.
Exhibiting artists: Dorothy Gill Barnes
(Worthington), Mary Jo Bole (Columbus), Nancy Crow (Baltimore), Jack Earl
(Lakeview), Maureen France (Cincinnati), Henry Halem (Kent), Frank Herrmann
(Cincinnati), Janice Lessman-Moss (Kent), Charles Massey, Jr. (Columbus), Paul
O'Keeffe (Cleveland Heights), Aminah Brenda Lynn Robinson
(Columbus), Gregory Spaid (Gambier), Brinsley Tyrrell (Ravenna), Garie Waltzer
(Cleveland Heights), and Walter Zurko (Wooster).
All Flashback to Now
exhibition events are free and open to the public.
Reception Thursday, July 23, 5-7 p.m. Join us for the public
opening and meet-and-greet with the curator and the exhibiting artists.
Curator's Tour Thursday, September 10, 6-7 p.m. Discover
the process behind the exhibition. Curator Ann Bremner leads a guided tour
through the gallery.
Wandering and Writing: The Idea of Place in
a Gallery Thursday, September 17, 5:30-8:30 p.m. How do we find
our place in a gallery, responding to the works that most compel us to write?
Ohio poet Terry Hermsen has years of experience guiding both students and adults
through galleries around the state. Explore fresh techniques for "entering a
work of art" using poetry or prose from his book Poetry of Place
(NCTE 2009). Registration opens July 23. Secure your spot
Free Family Workshop with Artist Leah Wong Sunday, October 11,
2-4 p.m. Let's collaborate! Artist Leah Wong will guide families
through a combination of basic calligraphic brush and scissor cut techniques.
The resulting paper cutouts will be used to construct a collaborative
installation on view within the Riffe Gallery through the close of the
exhibition. All children must be accompanied by a registered adult. This
workshop is geared toward children age 6–17. Registration opens August 14.
Space is limited, secure your spot
Flashback to Now is produced by the OAC's Riffe Gallery with
support from the OAC's Individual Artist Grants and Services Program.
Educational offerings are sponsored by the OAC's Arts Learning program. Media
support is provided by CD102.5, CityScene, Ohio Channel, WOSU, Ohio
Magazine, and WCBE 90.5 FM.
About the
Riffe Gallery: The Ohio Arts Council's Riffe Gallery showcases the
work of Ohio's artists and the collections of the state's museums and galleries.
The Riffe Gallery is located in the Vern Riffe Center for Government and the
Arts, across from the Statehouse on High Street in Downtown Columbus.
Dorothy Gill Barnes Cherry Blocks and Glass,
2013 Glass by Nate Ricciuto Cherry wood with glass 15" x
16" x 8"
Mary Jo Bole Cleveland River/Factory Scene,
1983 Glazed ceramic 24" x 24" x 8" Collection of William
Busta and Joan Tomkins
Nancy Crow Riff #2, 2012-14
Hand-dyed cotton, freehand-cut and machine-pieced improvisationally
by Nancy Crow 77" x 68 1/2"
Jack Earl Where Are You Going, Bill
(detail), 2013 Ceramic, canvas 16" x 12 1/2" x 6 3/4"
Courtesy of Sherrie Gallerie
Maureen France Ostriches, 1988
Gelatin silver print 16" x 20"
Henry Halem
Iraq Memorial, 2010–12 Glass and mixed media
45" x 33"
Frank Herrmann Yuba, 1984 Acrylic on
canvas 58" x 48"
Janice Lessman-Moss
Twilight Track (#184), 1989 Linen, cotton, wooden
rods, acrylic paint, handwoven 74" x 49"
Aminah Brenda Lynn Robinson The Storyteller: In
Honor of My Uncle Alvin Frederick Zimmerman, 1989 Acrylic,
cloth, thread 37 1/2" x 57" Courtesy of Hammond Harkins
Gregory Spaid Coloring #20, 1982
Toned and hand-colored silver print 20" x 16"
Brinsley Tyrrell Winter with the Sparrow
Bush, 2011 Glass enamel on steel 36" x 48"
Garie Waltzer Amritsar/ Fair + Fixed Price
Shop, 2011/2012 Carbon pigmented inks on rag paper 22" x 22" |
Walter Zurko Dueling Thumb Peaks, 2015
Oriented Strand Board (OSB) 47" x 43" x 10"