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Metaphor and Irony: Czech Scenic and Costume Design 1920-1999
July 27- through October 15, 2000
Metaphor and Irony: Czech Scenic and Costume Design 1920-1999, will cover nearly a century of costume and scene design from the Czech Republic. Curated by Helena Albertova, a faculty member of the School for Applied Arts, Charles University, Prague and former director of the Czech Theatre Institute, and Joe Brandesky, associate professor of theatre, The Ohio State University-Lima. The exhibition will be on display from July 27-October 15, 2000, at the Ohio Arts Council’s Riffe Gallery. Metaphor and Irony was organized by the Ohio Arts Council and the Theatre Institute, Prague, in partnership with The Ohio State University Department of Theatre, Columbus and Lima campuses, Spencer Museum of Art and the Marion Koogler McNay Art Museum.
Click here for more information on Metaphor and Irony.
Tour some of the works that will be on display!
There are 12 images contained within this archive which are intended for personal/educational use only. These images are protected by a 2003 photographic copyright which belongs to the Ohio Arts Council. They, therefore, are not in the public domain.
Vlastislav Hofman
Stage design for The Tempest by William Shakespeare, Municipal Theatre Královské Vinohrady, Prague, 1920, K.H. Hilar, director; gouache on cardboard, 25 1/2" x 29 1/2" |
Josef Jelínek
Costume designs for Macbeth by Václav Riedelbauch and William Shakespeare, New Stage of the National Theatre, Prague, 1984, Antonín Moskalyk, director; chalk, watercolor on paper, three units, 16 1/2" x 11 3/4", 16 1/2" x 9 3/4", 16 1/2" x 10 1/4" |
Miroslav Melena
Stage design for The Twelve Chairs by Ilia Ilf and Evgenii Petrov, Studio Y, Liberec, 1973, Evald Schorm, director; tempera on cardboard, 19 3/4" x 27 1/2" |
Marta Roszkopfová
Costume designs for Jacques and His Master by Denis Diderot and Milan Kundera, Petr Bezruc Theatre, Ostrava, 1997, Josef Janík, director; tempera and drawing on paper, two units, each 24" x 16 3/4" |
Josef Sládek
Stage design for The Merchant of Venice by William Shakespeare, National Theatre of Moravia and Silesia, Ostrava, 1933, Jan Skoda, director; tempera on paper, 26 3/4" x 19" x 3/4" |
Josef Sládek
Stage design for Antony and Cleopatra by William Shakespeare, National Theatre of Moravia and Silesia, Ostrava, 1938, Jan ?koda, director; tempera on paper, 20" x 27" |
Josef Svoboda
Scenes for Ulysses by Evald Schorm, Jaroslav Kucera, Jindrich Smetana and Michael Kocáb, Laterna Magica, Prague, 1987, Evald Schorm and Jaroslav Kucera, directors; two color photos 15 3/4“ x 23 2/3" each |
Josef Svoboda
Scenes for The Seagull by Anton P. Chekhov, Atelier Theatral Louvaine-la-Neuve, 1988, Armand Delcampe, director; two color photos, 15 3/4“ x 23 2/3" each |
Josef Svoboda
Scenes for Tristan and Isolde by Richard Wagner, Grand Theatre, Geneva, 1978, Jean-Claude Riber, director; two color photos, 19 3/4“ x 27 1/2“ and 15 3/4“ x 19 1/2“ |
Jan Van cura
Stage design for The Fowler by Carl Zeller, South Bohemian Theatre, Ceské Budcjovice, 1986, Luboterc, director; acrylic on paper, 34" x 49 1/3" |
Jan Van cura
Stage design for The Marriage Of Figaro by Wolfgang A. Mozart, F.X. Salda Theatre, Liberec, 1994, Inge Svandová, director; acrylic on paper, 37 3/4" x 24 1/4" |
Jan Van cura
Stage design for Indians by Arthur Kopit, F.X. Salda Theatre, Liberec, 1987, Petr Palous, director; acrylic on paper, 26" x 36" |