Here are some suggestions for other ways you can help to inform
people about the importance of public funding to the life of your
organization and your community:
- Write an article for your newsletter about the importance
of OAC support and the difference it makes to your organization.
- Arrange for an article to be written in your local newspaper
about the Council's support of your organization.
- Invite the Council's executive director, chairman or a board
member to speak at one of your important events.
- Write an opinion piece or a letter to the editor crediting
the Council for support of your organization.
- Create a lobby display or some other public exhibit for your
library, town hall, school, etc. For example, showcase children's
work or other Council-supported activities.
- Send a special letter home to parents from the principal of
your school or executive director of your organization explaining
the work of the Council and the programs supported in your school
or organization.
Impact Of Public Funding
State and Federal funding for the arts has been vulnerable
because many people are unaware of the impact public funding has
on people's lives and within communities. You can inform people
about the partnership between your organization and the Ohio Arts
Council by printing the article provided above in your organization's
Publicizing Your Grant
In addition to publicizing your organization and its programs,
we urge you to let the news media know about your grant award.
While the Ohio Arts Council announces all grant awards, you can
help by encouraging reporters in your community to prepare in-depth
stories about your grant.
To help legislators understand the importance of the investment
of public funds for cultural activities, we strongly encourage
you to contact your state
senator and representative
for quotes to include in your own news releases relating to programs
supported with public money. Funding for the Ohio Arts Council
depends on the support of the governor and the legislature. You
can draft a quote for them to review and approve. For example,
they could comment on how public support enables your organization
to reach new audiences, foster community development, provide
the highest quality programming, develop models for integrating
the arts into the school curriculum, create public value, etc.
Remember, while you are receiving the grant now, a feature article
about your organization or a particular program may be developed
once your events are up and running. Please acknowledge the Ohio
Arts Council in those future relevant articles.