The (name of your organization) is one of hundreds of cultural organizations that successfully competed for grants from the Ohio Arts Council this year. The OAC is a state agency with a fiscal year 2008 budget of $12,488,161 appropriated by the state legislature.

The Ohio Arts Council is a state agency that funds and supports quality arts experiences to strengthen Ohio communities culturally, educationally and economically.The OAC's grants to arts organizations help make programs available to broad audiences, keep ticket prices down and allow groups to undertake innovative programming.

The OAC also supports programs that bring artists into classrooms. Studies show that when the arts are a significant part of a child's education and are used to help teach humanities, science and other curricula, cognitive and work skills are enhanced, creative and critical thinking skills develop, truancy is reduced and self-esteem increases. Toward that end, the OAC is supporting cultural organizations' efforts to work with school districts to implement the new model arts curriculum of the Ohio Department of Education.

Ohio is home to thousands of artists who are vital to the state's cultural richness. The OAC is committed to supporting their creative talent. Artists who receive grants participate in public presentations so the public can see the results of its investment firsthand.

The OAC also supports local arts councils in cities and towns across Ohio. These local councils present programs in their communities ranging from festivals, exhibitions and performances to educational programs for adults and children.

Thanks to the state's investment, cultural resources like (your organization name) are integral to the quality of life in Ohio.