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& Programs | Logos & Credit Materials
| Contract Summary
Contract Summary
The following pages relate to Clause
9 of the contract your organization signed in order to receive a grant
from the Ohio Arts Council. This material should be reviewed by both the
person signing the grant agreement and the appropriate marketing staff
of your organization.
Failure to comply with all terms of the agreement may jeopardize future funding. Compliance with
these requirements will be reviewed when your organization requests grants
in the future. The OAC reserves the right to negotiate additional requirements regarding credit and publicity on a case-by-case basis.
If you are an individual grant recipient please read our For
Individuals page for specific requirements.
Grant recipients are required to give logo credit to the Ohio Arts Council regarding all activities that the OAC funds. During the OAC's 50th anniversary year, there is one 50th anniversary logo available for grantees to use. It must be reproduced as a unit without alteration. Further instructions are as follows.
- The logo should be downsized to no smaller than 1-inch wide wherever possible. When a slightly smaller size is unavoidable, care should be taken to ensure that the entirety of the logo remains legible.
- The logo should be used in all promotional materials regarding activities for which OAC funds are used. Promotional materials include (but are not limited to) websites, newsletters, calendars, catalogs, brochures, flyers, posters, event programs, postcard announcements, billboards, films and electronic media.
- The logo should be placed on the title page of all programs printed by grant recipients.
- The logo should be used in all educational materials distributed in association with any OAC-funded program or exhibition, including brochures, pamphlets, flyers, etc.
- The logo must be used in all electronic advertising, including television spots and online advertising.
- Organizations must place the logo on their websites, along with a hyperlink back to the OAC website.
- The logo must be used in all print advertising placed by a grant recipient that is 10 column inches or larger.
This logo is available to download from the Show Your Support page in four formats: JPG, TIFF, GIF, and EPS. The HTML code for a web-ready logo is available at http://www.oac.state.oh.us/grantsprogs/oacsupport/html.asp.
In addition to logo credit, the OAC asks that grant recipients also provide written or verbal credit to the arts council for its support. Explanations for how to provide such credit are as follows.
All grant recipients should register online at Ohio Event Finder and create entries for upcoming events. When creating a new event, please select the box at the bottom of the page that indicates your event was "Funded by the Ohio Arts Council." These events will be posted automatically on ArtsinOhio.com and other calendar sites across Ohio. ArtsinOhio.com shares data with DiscoverOhio.com, ColumbusArts.com, PositivelyCleveland.com, ExperienceColumbus.com and OhioMagazine.com. This is a free promotional service open to all arts organizations and artists throughout the state of Ohio.
Event/Season Programs
Credit must be given on the title page of all programs printed by grant recipients in a font size not smaller than 8-point. The OAC also must be listed in the donor category that is most appropriate to the level of financial support the organization received from the OAC.
Exhibition Signage
For any exhibition produced with OAC operating support, the exhibition's wall text must include the OAC listed with other major public, private and corporate sponsors, in proportional order of the size of contribution. If the exhibition's wall text does not include a sponsors' list, then a placard must be placed at the entrance to the exhibition crediting the OAC as follows:
The Ohio Arts Council helped fund this program/organization with state tax dollars to encourage economic growth, educational excellence and cultural enrichment for all Ohioans.
News Releases
A grant recipient's news releases must credit OAC support. Using the credit paragraph printed above is a satisfactory fulfillment of this requirement.
Verbal Credit
Whenever written credit is not applicable (e.g., there is no printed program), verbal credit shall be given before each event or performance. Verbal credit requirements also apply to radio broadcasts and audio descriptions for people who are hearing impaired. Additionally, during newspaper interviews and television and radio appearances, a representative of the grant recipient must give verbal credit at least once to acknowledge the support received from the OAC toward its project or program.
If a verbal announcement is not feasible, a sign must be placed at the entrance to the event or performance crediting the OAC as follows:
The Ohio Arts Council helped fund this program/organization with state tax dollars to encourage economic growth, educational excellence and cultural enrichment for all Ohioans.
There are some special requirements that apply to grant recipients who are individual artists or organizations that receive funding from the OAC's Sustainability grant program.
Sustainability Grant Recipients
In addition to the aforementioned credit requirements, organizations with budgets of more than $1.75 million that receive Sustainability funding from the OAC must do the following:
- Sustainability organizations that print event programs and receive $50,000 or more in total OAC funding in any fiscal year must provide one full-page of advertising space to the OAC in all season programs. The OAC will provide camera-ready art.
- Sustainability organizations that print event programs and receive less than $50,000 in total OAC funding in any fiscal year must provide one half-page of advertising space in all season programs. The OAC will provide camera-ready art.
While they are not required to use one, organizations with budgets of less than $1.75 million that receive Sustainability funding may request a camera-ready ad from the OAC to use in their programs.
Additionally, the OAC's logo must appear on the front page of each Sustainability organization's website or on the webpage designated for donor recognition that corresponds to the OAC-funded project.
Artist Residency Sponsors
Those who serve as artist residency sponsors must credit the OAC in all advertising that is residency-related. For print advertising, residency sponsors should adjust the size and placement of the OAC's logo (or simple logo, if there is no space for a logo) to be appropriate to the advertising design. Credit should also be given to the OAC in programs and flyers used for residency-related events. In lieu of a written program, verbal credit should be made during the event.
Individual Excellence Award Recipients
Individual artists who have received funding through the Individual Excellence Awards program should use the following language with the OAC logo to give credit to the OAC in printed materials including newsletters, calendars, catalogs, brochures, flyers, posters, event programs, postcard announcements, invitations, films and websites for the specified OAC grant period:
This artist was awarded an Ohio Arts Council Individual Excellence Award for (enter year).
Traditional Arts Apprenticeship Recipients
Individual artists who have received funding through the Traditional Arts Apprenticeship program should use the following language with the OAC logo to give credit to the OAC in printed materials newsletters, calendars, catalogs, brochures, flyers, posters, event programs, postcard announcements, invitations, films and websites for the specified OAC grant period:
This Master Artist was awarded an Ohio Arts Council Traditional Arts Apprenticeship to conduct an apprenticeship in (enter name of traditional art form and year).
Organizations that are official collaborators with the primary grant recipient must comply with the aforementioned requirements. The grant recipient is responsible for informing all of its collaborators about this policy and seeing that they fulfill these obligations.
Programs that are co-sponsored will have additional, specific publicity requirements, depending on the program at the time of negotiation. Under no circumstances may a grant recipient state or imply that its programs and activities are sponsored, co-sponsored or presented by the OAC without express, written consent from the OAC.
If you have any questions or concerns regarding the requirements outlined in this contract please contact the OAC's Public Information Office.
The following are suggestions for other ways you can help inform people about the importance of public funding to the life of your organization and your community:
- Write an article for your newsletter about the importance of OAC support and the difference it makes to your organization and in your community.
- Arrange for an article to be written in your local newspaper about the OAC's support of your organization.
- Invite the OAC's executive director, chairman or a board member to speak at one of your important events.
- Write an opinion piece or a letter to the editor crediting the OAC for its support of your organization.
- Create a lobby display or some other public exhibit for your library, town hall, school, etc. For example, showcase children's work or other OAC-supported activities.
- Send a special letter home to parents from the principal of your school or from the executive director of your organization explaining the work of the OAC and the programs it supports in your school or organization.
We urge you to tell the news media about your grant award. While the OAC announces all of its grant awards, you can help by encouraging reporters in your community to prepare in-depth stories about your grant.
Ultimately, funding for the OAC depends on the support of Ohio's governor and the legislature. To help legislators understand the importance of the investment of public funds for cultural activities, we strongly encourage you to contact your state senator and representative and request quotes to include in your own news releases that relate to programs supported with public money. For example, they could comment on how public support enables your organization to reach new audiences, support downtown revitalization and economic development projects, foster community development, provide the highest quality programming, develop models for integrating the arts into the school curriculum, create public value, etc.
If you have any questions or concerns regarding the requirements outlined
in this contract please contact the OAC's Public Information Office.