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Residency Artist - Visual Arts


Diane Fishbein

428 Evanswood Pl.
Cincinnati, OH  45220
Phone: (513) 961-0066

I am a visual artist who uses ceramic, drawing, painting and cement as some of the media to convey ideas. The form I often use is referred to as installation art. I tell a story through a collection of pieces. Parts of my work draw from my experiences in other countries, from large collections of textiles and other artifacts that inspire me.
I include ceramic history and ceramic materials as process, the parts that make up the whole, in my work and thinking. A recent project I enjoyed was at an elementary school where we built ceramic figures of angels and saints. The figures referred to Mexican church history and tradition but were updated by the 6th graders. After the figures were completed, they were placed in the parish church like they might have been in Mexico. In 2009 I did a tile residency in Albuquerque, New Mexico with kindergarten children. In a residency at a county facility, staff and clients used clay as an expressive media.

My current work is in the form of wall sculptures and installation art that includes large graphite and paint drawings, pieces from my collections . . .things that convey a narrative as you walk through and look. Titles include Hope, Elegy, etc. These are exhibited in galleries and museums.

My undergraduate training in painting and drawing was at Antioch College and The Pennsylvania Academy of Fine Arts with a Scholastic Scholarship. I received a BFA Summa Cum Laude and an MFA in ceramic sculpture from the University of Cincinnati.