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General Arts Resources for Artists and Arts Organizations
Ohio Arts Council Resources
A fast, easy to use online guide for Ohio residents and visitors to search
for arts and cultural events by city, date, organization, special accessibility,
price, special discounts and more. More than 1400 organizations list their
information in ArtsinOhio.com with more than 2,500 current, unique events
at any time. Participating organizations include museums, symphonies,
concert series, festivals, libraries, historical societies, zoos and many
other organizations with cultural programming.
in Education Resource Database
This resource database is an expanded version of the resources listed
in the first edition of the OAC's AIE Handbook. You can search by organization
name, discipline, function or based on whether you are an artist, arts
administrator, community organization administrator, educator or parent.
The organizations found in this listing can provide valuable services
and materials for arts education projects and your entire community.
Convening Information
On March 1, 2 and 3, 2004, the Ohio Arts Council hosted three daylong
Convenings presenting new concepts and methods to bolster public support
for the arts. Please use this link to connect to all the latest Convening
information and resources.
OAC logos and Credit and Publicity
Instructions for grantee use of OAC logos and links to electronic logo
News Media Resource Guide
A guide developed for OAC grantees to help them develop their marketing
and public relations skills. Good tips and pointers for any non-profit
organization who wants to successfully shine a light on their programs.
OAC Databases
Searchable databases of Arts in Education, Artists in Residence, Ohio Artists
on Tour, OAC Funding History, Appalachian Arts and Artists, Ohio Creative
Writers, Ohio Festivals and more.
Organizational Capacity
and Project Planning Worksheets
Developed as part of an international seminar conducted with America's
Binational Center's in Chile, these worksheets are useful for any small
and mid-size organization needing resources for more successful organizational
and project planning. Available in English and Spanish.
Other Useful Resources
Art Calendar Magazine
The business magazine for Visual Artists.
Art Resources
An extensive list of arts related resources by discipline.
ArtsReady is a web-based emergency preparedness platform designed to provide arts and cultural organizations with customized business continuity plans for post crisis sustainability.
Action Without Borders
A directory of over 10,000 non-profit web sites around the world including
tools and resources for organizations.
American Center for Artists
An electronic magazine that focuses on the biography and autobiography
of writers, painters, sculptors, musicians, and other artists. It also
presents new and reprinted works by these artists as well as articles
about them. Includes a fairly extensive image gallery.
Checklist for Change
Developed by the OAC from the 1998 series Growing Inward: Rebuilding
the Center City. Checklist for Change reports on the whys and
hows of creative downtown revitalization.
Creative Capital
A terrific resource for individual artists as well as information about
Creative Capital's funding program. The "Toolbox" section has
a wealth of information on funding, insurance, and other resources for
individual artists.
A listing of dance companies, organizations, businesses and individuals
with quick and easy access to a variety of services including contact
information. The DanceWire bulletin board has includes categories for
funding, services, dance-related press releases, grants, auditions, classes,
dance work, day jobs, performances, festivals, health, collaborations,
dancewear, work space, living space, etc.
Foundation Center
An independent, nonprofit information clearinghouse established in 1956
to foster public understanding of the foundation field by collecting,
organizing, analyzing, and disseminating information on foundations, corporate
giving, and related subjects for audiences, including grantseekers, grantmakers,
researchers, policymakers, the media, and the general public, that call
on the Center's resources.
Internet Art Resources
A guide to the arts on the internet featuring reviews, articles and information
about fairs, expos and shows. Provides links to museums, galleries, artists,
schools and more.
Internet for the Fine Arts
An international on-line community and network of artists, galleries,
museums, and resources for the fine arts.
Music Festival Finder
Catalogues - North American music festivals of every genre. A search engine
and links, when available, are included.
A resource for storytellers, puppeteers, musicians, dancers, magicians,
ventriloquists, speakers, theatre artists and others seeking guidance
on performing in schools. Included are listings of state arts commissions
and chapters of Young Audiences, which contain links to rosters of artists
who perform presentations of puppetry, storytelling, music, dance, magic,
and more in schools.
World Wide Arts Resources
One of the largest gateways to the arts on the Internet - from happening,
groovin' art events to traditional planar exhibitions and museums to way
out 3-D cyber galleries. Offers comprehensive search engine concentrating
solely on the arts.