John Bryant
Vincent Cianci, Jr.
Catherine M. Coles
Nancy Hollister
William Hudnut III
Bruce Katz
Doug Kelbaugh
George L. Kelling
Walter Kulash
James H. Kunstler
Stanley A. Lowe
Richard Moe
Hazel Morrow-Jones
Karen Phillips
Joseph P. Riley, Jr.
Donovan D. Rypkema
Joshua Vincent
Paul M. Weyrich
Craig Whitaker
Edward Zigler

Vincent Cianci, Jr.

Vincent Jianci, Jr.

Cianci, mayor of Providence, Rhode Island since 1974, is an outspoken champion of inner-city revitalization. He has received national recognition throughout his government career and was one of five mayors to receive the 1994 City Livability Award, given by the U.S. Conference of Mayors and an award as America's Most Innovative Mayor from the American Association of Government Officials in 1996. Among his major accomplishments as mayor are the development of The Providence Plan, which addresses the city's public safety, educational, housing and employment needs. The plan has made unparalleled inroads in all aspects of urban revitalization. Cianci has demonstrated a strong commitment to the arts through the establishment of a downtown Arts and Entertainment District.

Providence City Hall
25 Dorrance Street
Providence, RI 02903

Introduction  | Conclusion  |  Speakers  |  Sponsors
Vision |  Downtown |  Policy |  Transportation |  Housing |  Education