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| Capacity Building FAQ
Capacity BuildingFrequently Asked Questions
1. What types of activities are funded through the Capacity Building program?
The program supports activities that strengthen the operational capacity of arts and cultural organizations in the areas of internal governance and leadership, financial management, marketing and promotion, program development, evaluation, information technology and Web design, and partnership development. Allowable activities include (but are not limited to): 1) long-range or strategic planning; 2) attendance at workshops or conferences, 3) development of fiscal management or fundraising/marketing plans, 4) the creation or expansion of a Web site, 5) equipment purchases (under $500), or 6) assistance with incorporating as a 501(c)3 organization. Organizations may elect to work with a consultant or other professional specialist in one or more of these areas.
2. Who is eligible to apply?
Capacity Building grants are available to arts, cultural, community-based and social service organizations doing arts programming. Organizations should have nonprofit status or be nonprofit in intent. Organizations currently receiving support through the Arts Access, Arts Innovation or Sustainability programs (or other OAC programs) may apply for support through the Capacity Building program.
2. My organization is planning to work with a consultant. How do I select and work with one?
The OAC maintains a database of Capacity Building consultants who have attended a half day information session presented by OAC staff. Organizations may search this list by region or area of expertise to begin the process of selecting the best person for the job. You may also select a consultant not on our database by colleague referral or by sending out a request for proposals (RFP) with your specific needs. The ultimate decision on which consultant you choose should be based on many factors: a review of the consultant’s résumé and past experience, the charge for the service provided and, most importantly, the best "fit" for your organization’s needs. While it is not mandatory to select a consultant prior to submitting your application to the program, you should discuss your plans and a timeline for the final selection with your OAC regional program coordinator before submitting your application and include your plan and timeline in your application.
4. Is there a deadline for applying to the Capacity Building program?
Yes, there is a monthly deadline for the program that occurs the second Friday of each month, June through April of each year. Grants will be awarded to organizations on a first-come, first-served basis throughout the year until funds are expended. Organizations should plan to apply 4-6 weeks in advance of the start date for the proposed activity.
5. What support materials are required as part of my organization's application?
After applying online via the OnLine Grant Application system (ARTIE), applicants must mail (or hand deliver) a signed hard copy of their application to the Ohio Arts Council office in Columbus, along with a complete packet of support materials. Different programs require different support materials. Appendix H of the Guidelines details which pieces are required of every Arts Access applicant, which are recommended (but optional) to make your application competitive, and which are recommended only for your specific application. The signed application and support materials packet are due seven calendar days following the deadline by 5 p.m.
6. Which OAC staff member should I contact for assistance with this program?
Organizations applying for a Capacity Building grant are strongly encouraged to contact their regional program coordinator to discuss their application and the appropriateness of the proposed activity prior to applying. For a map and listing of the regions and appropriate program coordinator, please visit our staff page.
7. What is the cash match required for the Capacity Building program?
There is a 1:1 match required for all Capacity Building grants, at least half of which must be cash. Up to half of the match may be from appropriate in-kind services. Applicants are encouraged to discuss the source of any in-kind donations with their regional program coordinator prior to submitting an application.
8. Do I include in-kind costs in my expenses budget?
No, only include actual cash. List the in-kind only in the in-kind section of the budget.
9. Should I list my organization’s operating budget or the budget only for the Capacity Building activity?
Put only your Capacity Building activity budget in the Expense and Income Breakout section. Put your organization’s operating budget in the Budget Overview section only.
10. How are funding decisions made in this program?
Applications are reviewed by an in-house panel of OAC staff members on a monthly basis. Applications are given a numerical score with a maximum of 100 points based on how well the organization meets the specific review criteria in these four categories: 1) Artistic/Educational/Cultural Value; 2) Community Participation and Accessibility; 3) Planning, Evaluation and Documentation; and Organizational and; 4) Financial Management.
Once a decision has been made you will be contacted with the recommended OAC dollar amount by e-mail.