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Introduction  |  Conclusion   |   Speakers  |   Sponsors


Columbus Metropolitan Club, Columbus Urban Growth Corporation, Greater Columbus Arts Council and the Ohio Arts Council

No.1: Vision
No. 2: Downtown
No. 3: Policy
No. 4: Transportation
No. 5: Housing
No. 6: Education

No. 6 - Education

Promote Achievements of Public Schools
Take a Broader View of Education, and Help the Public Schools by Sharing in the Job of Education   Take a Broader View of Education

Click to view full size imageRosa Smith, superintendent of Columbus Public Schools, has made clear her highest priority: "Every single day, we will focus on our students and on what they need to know to be competitive in the 21st century." In addition to holding the public school system to high standards and expecting results, Columbus citizens should view the education of our children in an expanded way that goes beyond the schoolhouse. It is the obligation of the entire community, not just the school system, to provide this education, in both formal and informal ways. Columbus Mayor Michael Coleman summarizes the task: "My vision of a great city is one where education doesn't end when the school bell rings, where every child is encouraged to learn and grow with the full support of the community, where after-school programs and other programs keep children safe and learning, and where businesses know they can count on a dynamic, educated group of employees."

Back: Promote Achievements of Public Schools
Introduction  | Conclusion  |  Speakers  |  Sponsors
Vision |  Downtown |  Policy |  Transportation |  Housing |  Education
Promote Achievements of Public Schools