On July 1 Governor Bob Taft announced fiscal year 2003 budget cuts. Through an Executive Order, the Governor ordered the OAC to reduce its budget by 15%. Most state agencies received a 10-15% cut. Agencies and programs affecting the health and safety of Ohioans were cut less than 15% or not at all.

To comply with the budget reduction the Ohio Arts Council has made several serious administrative adjustments including eliminating two staff positions. Four additional positions that are currently vacant will not be filled for at least a year. The OAC will eliminate most hard-copy publications including the Performing Arts on Tour Directory and the AIE Artist in Residence Directory and make additional reductions in quantity and printing costs for remaining projects. The Ohio ArtsGuide for Travelers, which was scheduled to be printed this year, has been eliminated. To take the place of the ArtsGuide the OAC has joined as a partner in ArtsinOhio.com, an online cultural calendar database that contains up to the minute information about arts and cultural events in Ohio. ArtsinOhio.com is a more cost-effective and accessible way to help organizations promote their events and to encourage participation in arts and cultural events.

Other administrative changes include closing the OAC1s Riffe Gallery on Mondays, reduction in staff travel and elimination of on-site visits. The panel review meeting for Operating Support I will be put on hiatus for the coming year.

Ohio Arts Council fiscal year 2003 grants to organizations and individuals also will be reduced. The amount varies by program because of federal grant match requirements. For more information contact Gregg Dodd at 614/466-2613 or gregg.dodd@oac.state.oh.us.



Two events that are free and open to the public will be held in conjunction with the exhibition. On Sunday,  September 8, 2-4 p.m. Deborah Davis-Livaich, artist, mom and principal of the award-winning firm Design Central, will host Family Day. Children of all ages and their adult companions will create 3-D appliances and learn how industrial designers shape our homes.

On Tuesday, October 1, 7 p.m., industrial designer Gregg Davis will host The Hidden Meaning of Housewares. The products in our homes satisfy more than practical needs. Join Davis in rediscovering the beauty and elegance of those necessary items we call housewares.

The Alliance of Art and Industry: Toledo Designs for a Modern America was organized by the Toledo Museum of Art under the direction of Davira S. Taragin. The Riffe Gallery venue of this exhibition is supported by Ohio Building Authority. Media sponsors include Columbus Alive, Ohio Magazine and Time Warner Cable.

For information or to schedule a tour call the Riffe Gallery at 614/644-9624.


Published by the Ohio Arts Council

This newsletter aims to keep Ohio's decision makers informed about the work of the state's arts agency. We'd like this to be a two-way street. If you have comments about the OAC's involvement in your district or area of expertise please send them to Katie Popoff at the address below. Thanks for reading.

Gregg Dodd, Public Information Director
Jen Poellot, Coordinator

We're Building Ohio 
Through the Arts

The Ohio Arts Council is a state agency that funds and supports quality arts experiences to strengthen Ohio communities culturally, educationally and economically.

The Ohio Arts Council is an equal opportunity employer.

Visit Us on the Internet

Ohio Arts Council
727 E. Main Street
Columbus, OH 43205-1796
614/ 466-2613

For TTY/TDD use Ohio Relay Service

Bob Taft

Susan R. Sofia
OAC Board Chair

Wayne P. Lawson
Executive Director

With support from the National
Endowment for the Arts.