Chillicothe. Beecher was a brother of Harriet Beecher Stowe, author of Uncle Tom's Cabin. In Columbus, members of the Kelton family were staunch abolitionists who used their home as a safe haven for runaways. The Kelton House, at 586 East Town Street near downtown, is a museum that offers tours. Other points of interest along the Ohio Underground Railroad include sites in Portsmouth, Clay Township in Scioto County, Piketon, Circleville, Worthington, Delaware, Marion, Perrysburg, Maumee, Toledo and Sylvania. For more information on Friends of Freedom and the Ohio Underground Railroad contact Cathy Nelson at 614/365-8392. To schedule a tour of the Kelton House Museum call 614/464-2022. Home & Away Magazine provided information for this article.

Performing arts spending bar graph

Consumers Spend More on Performing Arts Events

American consumers spent more than $10 billion on admissions to performing arts events in 1997, according to the Bureau of Economic Analysis, a division of the U.S. Department of Commerce. Spending on performing arts events was roughly 1.6 times larger than spending on admissions to movies or spectator sports events. Americans increased their spending on performing arts events by almost $2 billion, an increase of 26 percent over the six-year period in the study. That compares to more modest gains of roughly 8 percent in motion picture expenditures and 9 percent in spectator sports admissions between 1992 and 1997.



  • More than 100 national organizations have formed the Goals 2000 Arts Education Partnership to ensure that the arts become a vital component of every child's education. For more information about the Goals 2000 Partnership, including copies of Arts Education: Partners in Achieving Our National Education Goals, write to Council of Chief State School Officers, One Massachusetts Avenue, NW, Suite 700, Washington DC 20001.

  • Originality and imagination scores were significantly higher for preschool children with disabilities who participated in a dance program than for those who took part in an adapted physical education program, according to a study by Danielle Jay, Effect of a Dance Program on the Creativity of Preschool Handicapped Children.


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