American Originals: Treasures from the National Archives, an exhibition of important and rarely seen historical documents will be on view at the Ohio Historical Society May 24­September 2. The original Emancipation Proclamation, signed by Abraham Lincoln, will be on display June 20­23. Many special events will be held in conjunction with the exhibition, including musical and living history performances and family crafts. For more information call 614/297-2310.

Parade the Circle Celebration, a daylong community arts event featuring a colorful parade, performing artists and family activities will take place Saturday, June 8, 11-4 in Cleveland's cultural hub, University Circle. The free event, presented by the Cleveland Museum of Art and University Circle, attracts more than 40,000 spectators and 2,000 participants. For more information call 216/707-2265 or 216/707-5035.


Ohio Arts Council deputy director, Sue Neumann, will retire on May 31. A Findlay, Ohio native, Neumann received a B.A. in German from The Ohio State University in 1971. She began work with the Council as its executive secretary shortly after graduation. In 1974 she became the agency's first grants coordinator and established the Community Arts Program in 1976. She assumed her current duties as deputy director in 1979. Neumann managed the operations of the fiscal, grants and most program offices and served as the agency's personnel officer and liaison to the attorney general's office. She has served on the board and various committees of Arts Midwest. She will be greatly missed by the board and staff of the OAC.


Ohio Ballet has appointed Constance J. Hawk as executive director. Hawk has 16 years of experience in advertising and marketing communications and has served on the ballet's board of trustees and audience development committee. A graduate of the University of Akron, she has had a lifelong passion for the arts and public service.


Lincoln Center Institute for the Arts in Education is accepting registrations for its 2002 National Educator Workshops, July 8-12 or 15-19 in New York City. The workshops provide a unique opportunity for educators and administrators to expand their repertoire of education strategies and enhance their interaction with the arts. Registrations must be postmarked by June 1. For more information call Jessica Reynolds at 212/875-5548.


The OAC is seeking nominations of qualified individuals to serve on advisory panels. Panelists will assist the Council Board by reviewing and making funding recommendations for applications submitted at various program deadlines between December 1, 2002 and May 1, 2003. Panels to be appointed this fall include Operating Support II and Project Support in all disciplines, all Arts in Education panels, and Artists Projects. For a nomination form or more information on the nomination process, contact Julie Henahan at 614/466-2613. Nomination forms also are available on the OAC website, Nominations accepted until July 31, 2002.


June 1
  • Minority Arts Program - Long Term Assistance

July 1

  • Traditional Arts Apprenticeships and Appalachian Arts Program

panel meetings

May 8

  • AIE - Arts Basic to Education

May 14-15

  • Literature

June 6

  • Performing Arts on Tour - Presenters



The Ohio Arts Council will host an educational forum for a delegation of Chilean arts administrators, artistic directors and educators May 11-16 in Columbus. The forum will explore the following topics:

1) identification of and services for underserved populations; 2) role of local arts councils in community development; 3) development of arts curriculum; and 4) distance learning strategies for arts and culture.

Sessions will include small group discussions, informal presentations, workshops, and site visits to Ohio schools, arts and community organizations. The symposium will be presented with support from the Ohio Arts Foundation, Inc.


  The Ohio Arts Council, a state agency established in 1965, builds the state through the arts - economically, educationally and culturally - preserving the past, enhancing the present and enriching the future for all Ohioans. The Council believes the arts should be shared by the people of Ohio. The arts arise from public, individual and organizational efforts. The OAC supports and encourages those efforts.
With support from the National Endowment for the Arts
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