A recent study conducted by Americans for the Arts shows that an overwhelming majority of American adults believe that the arts are an essential component of education. The study was conducted to establish a benchmark for the National Arts Education Public Awareness Campaign, a multi-year public
service advertising effort to raise public awareness and positively change the public's attitudes and actions about the value of the arts in child development.
Survey results indicate support for and understanding of
the value of the arts in a child's learning:
=    91 percent of survey respondents agree that the arts are vital to providing a well-rounded education for children.
=    95 percent believe that the arts enhance learning; instill creativity, self-expression, motivation and independence; and help children learn how to apply their skills.
=   89 percent believe that schools should find the money to ensure inclusion in the curriculum.
The public awareness campaign, a partnership between Americans for the Arts and the Advertising Council, will
offer parents a wealth of practical information on how to
involve the arts in their children's lives. For more information call 212/223-2787.

ArtsPerspective - Published by the Ohio Arts Council
This newsletter aims to keep Ohio's decision makers informed about the work of the state's arts agency. We'd like this to be a two-way street. If you have comments about the OAC's involvement in your district or area of expertise please send them to Katie Popoff at the address below. Thanks for reading.

Gregg Dodd, Public Information Director; Katie Popoff, Publications Editor.
We're Building Ohio Through the Arts
The Ohio Arts Council, a state
agency established in 1965, builds
the state through the arts -
economically and culturally -
preserving the past, enhancing the
present and enriching the future for
all Ohioans. The Council believes
the arts should be shared by the
people of Ohio. The arts arise from
public, individual and organizational
efforts. The OAC supports those
The Ohio Arts Council is an Equal Opportunity Employer
Ohio Arts Council

727 E. Main Street
Columbus, OH 43205-1796
614/ 466-2613

Bob Taft, Governor; Susan R. Sofia, OAC Board Chair; Wayne P. Lawson, Executive Director.


Ohio ranks second in the nation for attendance at festivals, according to the National Endowment for the Arts' Survey of Public Participation in the Arts.


Information on the Fitton Center for Creative Arts' SPECTRA+ program is included in a new publication from Harvard University. Arts Survive: A Study of Sustainability in Arts Education Partnerships is a publication of The Arts Survive Research Study, a research development initiative conducted by Project Zero at the Harvard Graduate School of Education. The Fitton Center program was one of only 13 arts programs across the nation chosen for the study.
   SPECTRA+ is the Fitton Center's arts in education program, which is in place in several Hamilton elementary schools as well as sites across the country. The program has shown that when the arts are a basic part of daily curriculum, they not only improve creative thinking skills, but also raise standardized test scores in reading and mathematics, and improve attendance. For more information call 513/863-8873.

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