A visual and performance artist, educator and set designer, Mayers has directed more than 300 murals created by communities in her home state. A graduate of Sarah Lawrence College in New York City, she has exhibited her work since 1976 and has won awards from the Maine Arts Commission, the Maine Alliance for Arts Education and the New England Foundation for the Arts.

"We were excited to host this important residency and delighted that the community could benefit from the powerful talents of such a creative artist," said Kay Bouyack of the Southern Ohio Museum.

ArtsPerspective - Published by the Ohio Arts Council
This newsletter aims to keep Ohio's decision makers informed about the work of the state's arts agency. We'd like this to be a two-way street. If you have comments about the OAC's involvement in your district or area of expertise please send them to Katie Popoff at the address below. Thanks for reading.

Katie Popoff, Writer; Charles G. Fenton, Editor
We're Building Ohio Through the Arts
The Ohio Arts Council, a state
agency established in 1965, builds
the state through the arts -
economically and culturally -
preserving the past, enhancing the
present and enriching the future for
all Ohioans. The Council believes
the arts should be shared by the
people of Ohio. The arts arise from
public, individual and organizational
efforts. The OAC supports those
The Ohio Arts Council is an Equal Opportunity Employer
Ohio Arts Council

727 E. Main Street
Colbumus, OH 43205-1796
614/ 466-2613

Bob Taft, Governor; Barbara S. Robinson, OAC Board Chairperson; Wayne P. Lawson, Executive Director


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