Thanks to a $100,000 National Endowment for the Arts grant recently awarded to the Ohio Alliance for Arts Education in partnership with the Ohio Arts Council and the Ohio Department of Education, Ohio's educators and school districts are beginning a three-year arts project to improve arts education through more effective curriculum and skills assessment. Since the publication of the Ohio Department of Education's new curriculum framework Comprehensive Arts Education: Ohio's Model Competency-Based Program, Ohio's arts educators are re-thinking the role of assessment in education. The model urges them to recognize that assessment is
ART Fact:
Based on data from the
U.S. Department of
Commerce Bureau of
Economic Analysis,
consumer expenditures for
admission to performing
arts events in 1996
amounted to $9 billion or
about 1.5 times more than
spending on admissions to
motion pictures or spectator
not a final activity but a component of instruction that should be intertwined with and inform instruction. The model calls for assessment of student progress in the arts and standardized administration of annual district-wide, grade-level tests. By 2000, the Ohio Department of Education will require schools to submit copies of those tests.

"We are very pleased that the National Endowment for the Arts, through its Education and Access Program, recognizes the importance of this project," said Corwin Georges of the OAAE. "Typically, programs are funded at 40 percent of their proposed budget. Our assessment project was funded at 70 percent, which puts it in the top five awards granted this year."

The goal of the assessment project is to give educators the assessment instruments, skills and training needed to meet the Department of Education's deadline. It will target grades four and eight because they represent developmental benchmarks and already are designated for assessment in other disciplines. During the next three years writing teams will develop, field-test and revise assessment instruments. Later, workshop leaders will be trained to conduct regional workshops at the ODE's Regional Professional Development Centers.

"Ohio students, communities and taxpayers will all benefit from the cooperative relationship developed among the Department of Education, OAEE and the Arts Council for this project," Gorges said. "Our common goal is to develop and implement objective measures of teaching success."

Phase I of the Assessment Project has started. More than 230 educators participated in a day-long assessment forum last fall and another in February. Nationally recognized experts showed Ohio educators how to make curriculum and assessment work together seamlessly.
ARTSPerspective - Published by the Ohio Arts Council
This newsletter aims to keep Ohio's
decision makers informed about the
work of the state's arts agency.
vWe'd like this to be a two-way
street. If you have comments about
the OAC's involvement in your
District or area of expertise please
send them to Beth Fisher at the
address below. Thanks for reading.
Beth Fisher, Public Information Director; Jean Kelly, Writer; Charles G. Fenton, Editor
We're Building Ohio Through the Arts
The Ohio Arts Council, a state
agency established in 1965, builds
the state through the arts -
economically and culturally -
preserving the past, enhancing the
present and enriching the future for
all Ohioans. The Council believes
the arts should be shared by the
people of Ohio. The arts arise from
public, individual and organizational
efforts. The OAC supports those
The Ohio Arts Council is an Equal Opportunity Employer
Ohio Arts Council

727 E. Main Street
Colbumus, OH 43205-1796
614/ 466-2613

George V. Voinovich, Governor; Barbara S. Robinson, OAC Board Chairperson; Wayne P. Lawson, Executive Director


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